Place born
Organisation / Person

Pledge, Humphrey Thomas

1903 - 1960

Wright, Elsie

1901 - 1903

Dunham, Jr, Theodore

1897 - 1984

Dannatt, Cecil (K.T., O.B.E., M.C., D.Sc.,)

1896 - 1961

Gooding, Hubert Thorn

1903 - 1988

Brodie, John L P

1899 - 1959

Spencer, Noel

1900 - 1986

Hutton, Effie Lilian

1904 - 1956

Gibson, Reginald Oswald

1902 - 1983

Marconi International Marine Communications Company Limited

1900 - 2002

J. Samuel White and Company Limited

1898 - 1972

Michels, Antonius Mathias Johannes Friedrich

1899 - 1969

Abbott, Berenice

1898 - 1991

Johnson, Amy

1903 - 1941

Simmons, Herbert Edward Sydney

1901 - 1910

Hartree, Douglas Raynor

1897 - 1958

Cox, Earnest Stewart

1900 - 1992

Calvert, Henry Reginald

1904 - 1992

Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice

1902 - 1984

Manning, William Reginald Dermot

1903 - 1984

Codrington, Kenneth de Burgh

1899 - 1986

Orrell, Joseph Harold

1903 - 1988

Gibbs, Frederic Andrew

1903 - 1992

Kadoorie, Horace (CBE)

1902 - 1995

Lee, Charles Edward

1901 - 1983

Schwab, Robert S.

1904 - 1972

Lewis, Lionel Montague

1901 - 1995

Dall, Horace

1901 - 1984

1901-1990, architect, Russian, UK

Lubetkin, Berthold

1901 - 1990

source; model railway maker

Richards, J P

1902 - 1999

1899-1910, watchmaker, Prescot, England

Lancashire Watch Company Limited

1899 - 1910

1899-1931, aviator; naval officer, French

Brix, Joseph Le

1899 - 1931

orthopaedic surgeon; British; Civilian Consultant in Orthopaedic Surgery to the RAF

Watson-Jones, Reginald

1902 - 1972

1896-1993, scientist; inventor; patentee, Moscow, Russia, Russian

Theremin, Leon

1896 - 1993

1898-1994, printer, Geneva, Switzerland

Sonor SA

1898 - 1994

1900-1972, physician; ophthalmologist, Welsh; British

Pugh, Mary Agnes

1900 - 1972

1900-1951, publishers, British

Locomotive Publishing Company Limited

1900 - 1951

1896 - 1962, engineer, designer, Ukraine

Bolsky, Jacques

1896 - 1962

1902-1960, active 1950s, poster artist, Irish born, active Scotland

Macfarlane, Alasdair

1902 - 1960

1903-1922, 1963-present, railway company and heritage railway, Wales

Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway

1903 - 1922

1901-1968, poster artist, British

Merriott, Jack

1901 - 1968

1896-1985, poster artist; marine and landscape artist, British

Sherwin, Frank

1896 - 1985

1899-1971, inventor; engineer, Swiss

Reutter, Jean-Léon

1899 - 1971

1902-1964, poster artist, Australian

Trompf, Percival

1902 - 1964

1900-1990, industrial designer, German

Wagenfeld, Wilhelm

1900 - 1990

1904-1958, artist; poster artist; writer, British

Bone, Stephen

1904 - 1958

active 1896-1930s, repairer and manufacturer of carts and vans, England

G Scammell and Nephew Limited

1896 - 1965

1897-1948, optical, mathematical & philosophical instrument maker, London, England

Ross Limited

1897 - 1948

1897-1956, research chemist, French

Joliot-Curie, Irene

1897 - 1956

1898-1903, locomotive manufacturer, Glasgow

Neilson Reid and Company

1898 - 1903